

Drunko Bunco

I'm part of a ladies bunco group, I absolutely love our monthly gatherings and am really enjoying getting to know this great group of women. I even learned a new term very relevant to my life right now "Mommy Dating" - another post for another day. Anyways,  i co-hosted the festivities at RevilleVille last night and do you know what that means? I didn't have to drive home, so I could completely indulge, and that I did!!! Hubby took over, bottle fed our Precious Baby, was sequestered to our bedroom all evening and did the whole night time dealo with the kiddos. I got them a pizza & salad for dinner & root beer floats to keep them happy. They watched movies while this mama drank & played & drank & laughed & drank & WON the game!! This was my 1st win and I won $30 in the category of "Most Wins"!!! WINNING, in more ways than 1. Needless to say it was a fabulous Thursday night... Until I woke up, as you can imagine. I had a handful of beers last night and upon waking up at 5:30  this AM I felt horrible.  I stumbled & swayed to the kitchen to try to satiate the extreme dehydration I was experiencing and then made my way back to bed. LUCKILY when Precious Baby woke up an hour later I felt wonderful (I even made Hubby a pot of coffee, which I rarely do - sorry honey, I need to get better at that). I made her a bottle & plan to formula feed all day today just to be sure. About that... every time I feed her a bottle (which has only been a few times) I feel guilty, bad, like I'm cheating on her. She does so well switching between the two but I still feel bad! Anyways the point of this whole post is this picture,  this is what I'm doing all day today!! The house is sparkling, the laundry is done-ish, it's Friday & I'm recovering from Drunko Bunco by cuddling with a sweet baby girl all day, blogging, playing & organizing my tablet, searching & adding fun new apps. Oh and enjoying a root beer float too! CHEERS!

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